While Coronavirus has created havoc across almost every part of the globe in recent times, we are nowadays hearing about another evil disease named Monkeypox virus. Although it may not sound as scary as COVID on the first go, its impact on the human body and health could be severe.
Infected rodents, such as rats, mice, and squirrels are said to be carrying Monkeypox in some parts of West and Central Africa.
Monkeypox can be contracted from infected animals if they bite you or touch their blood, fluids, spots, blisters, or skin.
You can also catch monkeypox from eating meat from an infected animal in central or west Africa.
The spread of monkeypox from one person to another can also be done through:
● Touching bedding, towels, or clothing that has been used by someone suffering from the monkeypox virus
● Touching skin blisters or scabs from monkeypox (even during sex).
● A person with monkeypox rash sneezes or coughs.
What exactly are Monkeypox disease and its history?
Monkeypox, a rare form of the monkeypox virus infection, is an uncommon health condition. Monkeypox virus is a member of the Orthopoxvirus family in the Poxviridae. The Orthopoxvirus genus also contains the variola virus, which causes smallpox, and the vaccinia virus. It is used in the smallpox vaccine. Monkeypox does not have any connection to chickenpox.
In 1958, two cases of a pox-like illness called monkeypox were reported in colonies of monkeys that had been kept as research animals. Although it is called monkeypox, the source of the disease is not known. The virus could be transmitted to humans by African rodents or non-human primates, such as monkeys.
In 1970, the first case of monkeypox in humans was reported. Monkeypox has also been reported in many other countries in central and western Africa. Before the 2022 epidemic, almost all monkeypox cases outside Africa were due to international travel to countries where it is common or imported animals.

Image credit: https://health.ucdavis.edu/
How is monkeypox transmitted?
Monkeypox spreads in different ways. It can be spread from one person to another by:
● Direct contact with the infectious rash, skin scabs, or body fluids
● Respiratory secretions can be produced during long, face-to-face contact or intimate physical contact such as cuddling, kissing, or sex.
● Contacting items, such as clothing or linens that have touched the infectious rash/body fluids previously
● The placenta can transmit the virus to a pregnant woman.
People can also get monkeypox by infecting animals. This could be done by getting bitten or scratched by an animal, or by eating or cooking meats or products from an infected animal.
From the moment symptoms appear, the spread of monkeypox can continue until the rash is completely healed and the skin becomes new. This process can take up to several weeks. Monkeypox cannot be spread to people who don’t have symptoms. It is unknown if the monkeypox virus can be spread via semen or vaginal fluids at this time.
What are the symptoms and signs of the monkeypox virus in adults?
It may take several days or weeks for symptoms to develop after exposure. Symptoms that look like flu symptoms are the first signs of monkeypox.
● Fever.
● Chills.
● Headache.
● Muscle aches.
● Fatigue.
● Swollen lymph nodes.
A rash can develop after a few days. It can appear as red, flat bumps that can be very painful. These bumps become blisters which then fill with pus. The blisters will eventually crust over and become brittle. This can take up to four weeks. Also, you can get sores in the mouth, vagina, and anus.
Monkeypox is not a universal disease. Many cases of monkeypox do not follow the normal pattern of symptoms. This unusual presentation has fewer lesions, no swelling of lymph nodes, and less fever than usual. It is possible to have it but not know. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, it can still be spread to others by prolonged close contact.
How can you catch monkeypox?
Monkeypox can be spread by contact with infected animals or people. Transmission from animal to person occurs via broken skin (bites, scratches) or direct contact with infected animals’ blood, bodily fluids, or pox lesions (sores).
Although monkeypox can be spread from one person to another, it is less common. Transmission occurs from person to person. This is when you come into contact with the sores and scabs, respiratory droplets, or oral fluids of an affected person. This usually happens through intimate, close situations such as cuddling, kissing, or sex. Researchers are still unsure if the virus can be transmitted via semen or vaginal fluids.
Monkeypox can also be contracted by contact with recently contaminated materials, such as bedding, clothing, and other linens that were used by infected animals or people.
It is difficult to catch Monkeypox from someone with the infection. Most cases are caught from wild animals in West Central Africa.
The monkeypox virus, which was first discovered in monkeys, can transmit the disease to humans through close physical contact and sexual intercourse.
Is monkeypox curable?
Monkeypox usually presents as a self-limiting disease that can last for up to two weeks. Monkeypox is usually self-limiting and can be treated without any treatment. Your healthcare provider will diagnose you and monitor your condition. If necessary, they will give you antibiotics to treat any secondary bacterial infections.
There is currently no approved antiviral treatment for monkeypox. Although antiviral drugs might be effective, they have not been tested for monkeypox. Several investigational antivirals have activity against monkeypox, but they are only available as part of a research project.
What is the average life expectancy of monkeypox?
Monkeypox usually takes between two and four weeks for it to fully develop. Your provider will keep you monitored until you get rid of monkeypox.
Is monkeypox fatal?
The current outbreak in the world is being caused by the less severe West African Clade (2022). To date, no one has been affected by this outbreak. However, monkeypox can cause other complications (HT0_ pneumonia, infections in the brain (HT1_ Encephalitis ), or even blindness, which can all be fatal.
How can I take care of myself?
Many over-the-counter remedies can be used to treat monkeypox symptoms.
● Fever reducers and pain relievers.
● Oatmeal baths. Warming up in a warm tub with colloidal oatmeal can help relieve itching and dry skin.
● If you are infected, isolate yourself. Keep away from others until your lesions are completely healed.
● Single or local lesions can be covered. To limit the spread to the environment and others, use gauze or bandages.
● Take care. When you are sick, it is important to rest at home, wear a mask and drink lots of fluids.
● Do not contact pets, especially rodents.
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